About Me

If you’re wondering why I have this page, I do, too. Most of us spend a lot of time worrying about what people will think of us when we speak up. There are others who should spend more time on that, given the words they use, but such is life.

For me, this site is a place to visit mostly for pondering the events of a day, the worries of a leader, the frets of a working parent, and the hopes of the future. I have spent my entire life opening my mouth when I probably shouldn’t have, so why stop now?

But, here’s what you should know about me if you’re going to read my thoughts…

First and foremost, I am a mom. That element of me pervades every fiber of my being and it sneaks to the surface every chance it gets. My kids make that happen! After that, I am a teacher, a coach, a thinker. I have spent my life in school, and I truly think I would have found a calling as an eternal student, if there ever was such a thing. We call people like this lifelong learners in our district, and it fits, but I like “thinker” better. It speaks to me.

Other things you might want to know to figure out whose words you are reading? I am a lifelong runner (this is where that thinking time comes in a lot), a reader, a sister, wife, daughter, and hopefully friend to others. My ethics code is strong and it sometimes results in me struggling to work through situations and find the grey areas, as so much of what I see is clearly black and white when it comes to right and wrong.

My official roles? Assistant Superintendent for Instruction/Chief Diversity Officer.

I hope you enjoy my thoughts. I look forward to yours in return…